Why Facebook for Business?

Let’s look at Facebook statistics.

Facebook has 2.41 billion active users monthly!

Yes it’s true. Facebook has had an 8% increase year over year from 2018. There is no other platform that has the reach of Facebook and the ease of implementation

90 million small businesses use Facebook

Organic reach is increasing challenging but you don’t have to use ads to benefit from Facebook marketing. Just 24.6% of Facebook Pages use paid media

An average Facebook user click on 11 ads per month

That equals one every three days. Women do more of the ad clicking at 14 per month versus men at 10 per month.

Facebook turns Sweet 16 in 2020

Teenagers today have never known a world without Facebook. Today people get their news, learn about new products, watch interesting videos they might not have seen otherwise, and communicate quickly and easily with friends and family.

74% of people making over $75,000 or more use Facebook

Only YouTube has a higher reach in this group at 83%. The next most popular social site for this income category is LinkedIn which reaches 49%.

Facebook is the 3rd most visited website

Think about that...the THIRD-most visited website only to be outdone by Google and YouTube!

Facebook is the 5th most downloaded free app in the App store

Facebook Messenger is the 4th most downloaded free app in the App Store.

Guess which is the Fastest-growing group of Facebook users?

eMarketer predicts Facebook will see 7% growth in users 65 and over this year!

71% of American adults use Facebook

71% represents the highest penetration of users for any traditional social network. This far exceeds instagram’s 38% of adult users, and 23% of adult Twitter users. YouTube reaches more Americans at 74% but its a different medium.

18–24: 76%
25–29: 84%
30–49: 79%
50–64: 68%
65+: 46%

300 million people use Facebook Stories daily

Stories strategic advantage is appearing at the top of the screen

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